thank you very much
DRAK are you ever going to post those vids cuz i want my credit
communists want everyone to be the same by that they want everyone to have the same amount of money. and thats what he is basically doing making...
not like it was planned i can picture it now NASA worker1-"look at that kid why is he walking around at night" NASA worker2-"hoodlem" NASA...
dogs hump eachother for power reasons they are basically saying your my *****. And the whole BORN homosexual is not been even close to proven...
Or maybe your different because you havent did you ever think about it that way. Huh?
yeah obama can make our nation practically communist but not actually call us communist cuz we dont like communists. Yeah or he can just let us...
what do you mean cases there is nothing wrong with me NOTHING
Yes the newest puzzle is released. Im so glad that it is up. Testing it was so fun and the new ideas are amazing. I thinkthe hardest part is the...
actually ifit survived the atmosphere the air resistance and other forces would slow it down trumendousally thats why if you throw a penny of the...
no one was around and the rock was hot and the people must have great aim to hit me in the head while wearing a black hoody at night
My favorite book is definitely Cirque Du Freak its awsome and about vampires