it wasnt hard
yes with a hooch jump
This map is what happens when you mix LSD, Forge, And Devinish. I think this map is more trippy then Distortion. I do like the map design i am...
i saw those geomerges and they are off a little bit. You cant get a wall in the ground perfectly perpendicular a tiny bit and in the right spot,...
The only problem i find with this is the practicaility of it. Because i want to see a video of you putting three walls in the ground next to each...
i Remember doing testing on this map. Its is so win i cried A LOT. My team always won though. I remeber getting a sniper spree in one of the...
i Like this map a lot. the interlocking and geomerging is very smoothe. I like the structure's design. The Symmetrical design is very nice and...
you werent suppose to give it away but now its ruined
ddfsdfs LIGHT SILENCES DARKNESS now to the review. This map is really sweet i did some testing on it and it is really fun. I like slayer the...
actually no it isnt they are the same thing just one is a nickname (itouch) and the other is the official name (ipod touch)
he is right the best thing to do is to try to connect to another connection like around my school there is a church that has strong wi-fi that we use
@fauxhawk there is a difference. i know of that thread and it is to widely based on the itouch/iphone. I just want to know your opinions on the...
i dont like tetris just in that fact that ive beaten every other tetris so it lost its entertainment
yeah of course and i do like bejeweled 2 also. I think that it isnt as hard as snake because it gives you more time for reations. But still a...
First of all, your welcome for doing all the somewhat hard (not really hard just GO43R sucks at geomerging) geomerging. I do like that map a lot....
What is your favorite game and why? snake cuz who doesnt like the snake game Now what is yours? *points finger at your*
I think they blame the site for their sucky maps and go to places that their friends own so that their sucky maps can be acknowledged by their...
i hope this isnt a repeat but this video is hilarious go to 1:40 and watch its so funny
I was there and it was sexy. The mongoose is pretty much death to a map. I would try checking some more places just to be sure because the...
i Tested so much on this map like 1028948324509 hours and i still love and come back to this map. I cant believe that you once thought of not...