You guys are morons. you dont have to have interlocking and geomerging to make a good map. you are all flowing in the sea of comfority and cant...
how would it undo exactly cuz it would have to go back in time and or would it be object spawn and i that would be bad for the money glitch or it...
next time you should of put this in Costumer Support but no biggy and if you would of scrolled down as far as possible you could of see what was used
Happy Burfday Shannenna make sure to eat plenty before you ride something fast so you can puke on your mom when she is waiting for you
good and did you ever finish the spawns and opbjective stuff on Laberynth and if so make sure to test a little on it but not a lot cuz i want to...
I finally got around to this thread This is a great idea it will definitley result in some better maps like a randomized Tremor Blast *hint*hint*...
yeah well everything is good I dont skate much anymore i do alot of Skiing, not snowboarding which is weird i just feel awkward being strapped to...
I think that if they just said "do you want to save before you quit" would be better then an auto save
i personally im more a fan of street stuff like rails and little kicks than half pipes
i was implying that that was weak sauce for a half pipe those half pipes are just a bad idea and they dont get you high enough to do anything...
all it takes is a few nights in jail to have your butthole size to grow 100x in size. and why a taco and not just grab the pan and beat her w/...
I remember testing this. It was so much fun but my mic keep not working. i love the idea and the exicution is even better. I loved the...
have fun with that ill check it out when i get my xbox back
im not saying that he isnt a role model to people but he shouldnt be so he won 8 gold metals but he is willing to throw it all away for a short...
A real role model shouldnt be a famous person because so they are a good actor or athlete or public speaker but if they are leaving their faithful...
"Bad company corrupts good character" thats why he peobably does this because he got famous and hung out with all the "cool people" and is now...
This one is definitely one thing people sometimes forget when making a map. I think its pointless to even give us other maps if we just keep...
Thank you AZN now we can have some non-foundry maps that are all unique and not the same map in a different layout.
Great job Waz im glad to see a map on Foundry that is not based on your br/sniper skills and is not a slew of structures that are all connected by...