what about a new flood gametype where flood dont get aa insted they get to have different floods. like in halo combat evolvrd there is carrier...
looks neat i will try it later on
i like your thinking Raw! however...YOU FORGOT ABOUT THE BRUTES AS DID I TOO!!!!
would you want a TUROK remake if so what one?
i dont know about you but i want to be able to play as an elite and be able to customise their armor like in halo but have honor guard and arbiter...
just say what you like and dont like about halo 4 so 343i can mabe icorperate that in to halo 5
i have experience i just cant post images because i dont know how to do that from a basic kindle
zanzibar Zanzibar ZANZIBAR or burial mounds
i need people to help me forge on friday nites anyone wanna
i think forge world needs to return and we can get to that spire how do you feel about this idea
human covie or forunner: wepons: speed: exta info:
faction: type of projectile: ammo capasity: power wepon or not: hits to kill: regular name:(expl pistol) tecnical name:(expl m6d)...
well what about ivory tower,zanzibar,crion 45(or whatever its called) or sand trap
what are your favorite maps from halo 1,2,and 3 and would you want them to return in halo 4?
gamer tag voodoodudu times online tusesday thursday friday 6-8ish mic yes...when it wants to work somthing about myself i like all the halo 4...
hello i need people to help me make some halo 2 multiplayer maps on halo 4
i am trying to remake zanzibar on halo 4