Another great idea for a contest. I will probably not enter this week though. Do you need any judges?
ponyd needs premium. Spartan highway and submission.
ponyd needs premium.
doesn't ponyd need premium? he has spartan highway and now submission.
I am too but then why do you hear african americans saying they are "black", they call white people "white" why cant we call them "black"?
cool. kind of the other way around of most maps.
so what part of foundry is it going to be on?
happy birthday!
Happy birthday!
hey linu, hows remedy going?
nice map mastar. Really like the new changes you made. Made it much more interesting, and exciting for that matter. The new aesthetic touches are...
can you change peoples names?
Okay, I give you some Here is Blombas Review on Sandskrit Okay, I donwloaded my map Sanskrit and played on it heres the review. Before I look...
Ya the article seems very racist. Why did you even post this?
If you guys want my opinion about this, this shouldn't be lock. The bickering is just going to continue with 'whats a scope' and we already know...
*UPDATE* Best Aesthetic has been changed to goatnuts's Map. This is nothing against Linubidix. There was a little typo. Sorry, hope you guys...
This explains it all^^.
Its all about opinions. You may think it sucks. I really like it. We agree to disagree.