hows remedy going gud sir
Rules 1. The map must be made after October 20th. 2. You can only submit one map. 3. You CANNOT use the budget glitch 4. You may use...
Please complete the template provided Judge Entry Template Your Gamertag: Do you have a mic: Yes/No Do you have any other experience with...
Sorry, changed it to AFTER.
Halo 3 Best Competitive Map Contest Submissions Rules 1. The map must be made After October 20th. 2. You can only submit one map. 3. You CANNOT...
Halo 3 Best Competitive Map Contest Hello Everybody and welcome to my latest map contest. This contest was designed with competitive maps in...
I saw that this map won the contest and wow! This map looks solid and looks like you put a lot of time in it. The aesthetics looks stunning....
This map looks very well forged and the aesthetics are stunning. The aesthetics must have taken you quite a while to do and I give you many props...
congrats on Event Staff!
Thanks man! : ) Glad you liked it
I disagree strongly. I think that the Carbine is the same or maybe even greater power than the BR. The carbine does take less shots to kill...
Really 7.5 aesthetics and 6.5 of gameplay. I didn't realize the map is that bad. Whatever, a lot of you guys are just sucking up to the colored...
happy birthday
But you just can't move them, right?
Can we adjust the spawn time of the hammer or power drain?
wow! that is all I can say. This map is turning out great. The geometry is looking great and the interlocking and geomerging is at its finest. I...
When do we find out who the winner is?
Like what do you mean? In matchmaking or in campain. In campain, yes. In matchmaking, no.
Looks like a pretty good map you are working on there. That one structure with the double walls and the fence walls looks like it is going to be a...