[IMG] As much as I would like to give more people signature gifts, it's sad to say that my time is very limited at the moment. As for Huntar,...
[IMG] [IMG] CnC pls :) I personally use Old-School, but this is best viewed on FH Dark.
YouTube- Mass Effect 2 Interview: Adrien Cho It happens at 2:45 Adrien Cho, the producer of Mass Effect 2 gets interviewed by Gamespot. Even...
[IMG] My second signature using a real person as the image. Please give CnC.
[IMG] V2: [IMG] CnC please. Render: [spoiler] BG: ImagenSkins • View topic - Official ImagenSkins Stock Pack #1 (It is the Assassin's...
[IMG] Gotta love Owl City :D CnC pls
[IMG] v2: [IMG] My first attempt at signatures of real people. This stock is from the ImagenSkins stock pack. I use Old School theme, but this...
[IMG] My first in a while (excluding shop requests) Pls give CnC.
In my last thread similar to this one located here, I asked you to vote from two games (Assassin's Creed II and Left 4 Dead 2) This time, I ask...
101054241 This was on AceOfSpades's map, Iambic, by the way.
Please give good and reasonable explanations. Score (to be updated frequently): Assassin's Creed II - 5 Left 4 Dead 2 - 9
[IMG] With text: 1 [IMG] 2 [IMG] I know, same style as my ODST Nightlife sig. I just wanted to try a different render and background. I'll...
Post your record time on The Pit (from the mission "S.S.D.D.") Mine: 29.85 sec
[IMG] V2: [IMG] CnC pls? Thanks to EGP for giving me the idea of the low opacity partial image of a focal when he made me a sig in his last sig...
[IMG] [IMG] V2 changes: - Sharpened image by 25% - Changed the text CnC?
Me, my two friends, and one of my friend's guest finished annual a couple months back and got the achievement. Some people say that having a...
Isn't it that the Good Samaritan achievement unlocks if you do not kill any encountered engineers over the course of the whole campaign until Data...
[IMG] My first pop-out sig :D Please CnC.
I have several choices of games to buy this holiday season and for next year. Now with its recent release, I want the community's opinion on this...
I think this has been asked before, but I personally want to ask the community what their favorite fonts are. So, what are your favorite fonts?...