I haven't read any comics/graphic novels/mangas in a while actually, but when I read comics it was mainly Sonic the Hedgehog stuff and some of my...
Alright, I'll keep looking for it when I get the time. School's been kicking my ass lately. And use RNG abuse. Otherwise you'll be jumping through...
Nah, I've owned virtually every pokemon there is to own at some point in my time of playing these games (save for the newer event pokemon). I'm...
Here's Smogon's article for Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. I'm pretty sure it applies for HeartGold and SoulSilver too. Good luck. DPP RNG Manipulation...
Haha it took me quite a while. And the shiny Arceus just has the golden body along with the color changes instead of its normal white body. Well...
Since we're talking shinies again I've got a couple box-fuls of them between Platinum and SoulSilver. I posted them before in this thread, I'll...
Spent the weekend in Ohio with my cousin who's like a brother to me and his friends. Went to see Scarlet O'Hara, Woe Is Me, For All Those...
Ok, I agree wholeheartedly that Halo: Reach is more fun than Modern Warfare 2 (I personally love Gears the best though), but some of your points...
Gears 3 Halo Reach Portal 2 Fallout New Vegas Madden 2010 NHL 2011 Ghost Recon Future Soldier The new L.o.Z. And I still wanna buy Mario...
In terms of practicality, and for the frugal pokemon trainer out there, Super Repels give you more down time per dollar than do max repels. Just...
Inorite? UKF does a lot of good stuff. On a side note, I attempted the "What's the point in dying?'" challenge on LIMBO again. Made it to the...
YouTube - UKF Dubstep Tutorial (Presented by Dubba Jonny)
filthy bass drop = eargasm no?
Yeah, the campaign wouldn't feel right without the beloved rookie dying in some manner. Although this time I think he should go out in a blaze of...
The only amateur thing in this thread is your grammar, or lack thereof. -_- Read the post, it's a one man rollercoaster track. These tracks...
Hariyama isn't OU; he's UU.
Or any easy-to-set-up fighting attack. Stuff like Machamp's Dynamic Punch and Breloom's Focus Punch. Or any pokemon that can learn Cross Chop and...
How was LCD Soundsystem?
Welcome to the interwebz, the only place where people will flame each other for something as trivial as an internet browser. I personally like...
Yeah, I know what you mean: And Their Name Was Treason was straight up metalcore and really heavy, FTWHH was more post-hardcore with some heavier...