Haha you win, good sir. Chemistry's worthless anyways lol. But yeah, the no legendaries is probably a good idea. Although, if absolutely...
Woah, woah, woah, there. Who said I'm hacking? RNG abuse isn't a hack, you can do it legally. You're just manipulating your DS's clock and many...
Lol obvious post is obvious. Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyurem have been known as the Tao Trio since the game's release in Japan. If any legendary was...
1) If you're talking between Black/White or HeartGold/SoulSilver, then go B/W hands down. Between Black and White, just look at the list of...
Once you get to 'em late game, catch a Rufflet and train it to a Braviary. They win so hard.
As of now, none of the usual suspects (Latios/Latias, Salamence, Garchomp, Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxys-S) have been banned to the uber tier and seeing...
Yes. And it's a freakin monster lol. It destroys everything. What, you mean you DONT love seeing your rivals EVERYWHERE you go? Haha but in...
Victini is a monster. Fire-Psychic Base 100 stats across the board. It's freakin Celebi in fire form.
Just got white last night at midnight. Already snagged three gym badges and am working on putting my final in-game team together (Braviary,...
1) I want an essential console release; I'm talking you play as oldschool Red starting out in Yellow version with his beloved Pikachu. From there,...
Umm, I'm free today til like 9:30 PM EST (possibly later) and I'm free pretty much all Saturday and Sunday as of now. I'll be in the Wi-Fi room...
Exactly, hence why I still love pokemon. P.S. Randal, your Sneasel is sittin in mah box whenever you want it.
That coupled with the fact that many of those who originally enjoyed pokemon were generally younger when whole thing exploded into our media. I...
That should be just fine, Wednesday it is. My friend code is in my sig. Until then, good sir...
Inferi and Randle, your pokemon are both ready. All we gotta do is set up a time and we're good (FYI I'm on the EST time zone here in Indiana; and...
Yeah, that's fine; I got plenty of room between Platinum, Soul Silver, and my cousin's Platinum and Soul Silver, too, to keep 'em. I'll get to...
Hey, Inferi, I've been getting tied up the past few days between the Super Bowl, school, and high school basketball. Just letting you know I'm...
It shall be done, sire. I'll post back once I get the egg hatched.
Nah, I've helped out plenty of friends in the past for nothing. Plus, if I really wanted anything, I could just borrow my friend's Action Replay...
Win and a half right there lol. I'd keep Sandile, although I'd personally run Ononokusu. 9th highest attack stat of a all pokemon to date (3rd...