lol And RST, this be just my opinion and whatnot, but For Those Who Have Heart was better than Homesick. Don't know why I suddenly felt the...
I think Halo 3 will have a fate similar to Gears; simply because Reach has the Halo name (and I say that even though I loved the Reach Beta)....
This guy is actually really good.
Best FPS campaign for me had to be ODST probably. I love all of Halo's campaigns (personally, I think Gears is equal if not slightly better). I...
You could just set the shield recharge rate to never. BAM! No more recovery. You can make the cover float way up above the death barrier. There...
No you only resist 75% of the damage you normally would at 100%, making you weaker. You wanna set the resistance higher to above 100%. Same thing...
When you start battling, my advice is to get a pokemon that can act as a medic (wish passing, softboiling, status curing, etc) and/or a pokemon...
Agreed 100%. YouTube - Best VGM ReMixes: Duet of the Keyblade Masters
This is probably one of the better Shipment remakes I've seen quite honestly. Unless there are grenades getting stuck under the boxes, there's...
please delete this yeah nevermind.... this thread didnt really accomplish much of anything
Well to continue my weekend wonders. Today I slept in really late til noon (yeah thats late for me) and found my new love for Dubstep music. I was...
@YoYo: how did you accidentally drink spiked lemonade lol? Did you not realize it was spiked or something? Oh and Tool FTW. @Scope: That. Blows.
Got up at 5:30 to go to cross country practice at 6:30. Came home, slept, went out to lunch with family, took senior pics, got dinner at a local...
If you're talking about the Battle Tower guy, I've beaten him and he is a ****ing PAIN IN THE ASS!!! I think he has Regigigas just to give you a...
For some reason I really like this song. Can't figure out why because I'm not really a big Usher fan by any means. YouTube - Usher featuring...