^ was my motto for about 6 months after they announced starcraft two.
Original iron man was better than two, not that two wasn't still amazing. Iron Man goes in my top 5. One of the few movies I actually own.
What I'm going to invest in: Keep in mind, F2P makes up a lot of the runescape market, and F2P players back in old runescape all had their...
Save 50% on Braid on Steam has the best story of any game I have ever played. For five bucks, this game is ****ING AMAZING. Got it in the heavy...
Pick two.
I guess everyone got black ops for christmas, went into an ffa game and went 30-0, that never happens. Who got the most expensive thing for chrismtas?
>Go to ppc >old member returning? Cool! >Wait...it's RST. >Movealongboys
How old are you? Just wondering.
No **** I'd have more money. Thanks cap.
I didn't ask for anything, so I got some clothes I don't like and money, but I love money. I have never had a steady job and have over 1000$ in...
They're not going to deny it after creating publicity for it, that would make them seem like dicks. If they make a poll for an something they are...
I feel amazing and don't know why. This doesn't happen often but when it does **** YEAR. Stouf and xanan wish they could be bro.
chuck is just jelly, or he would be if it was his sister
I picked bonechewer. I would pick it for you to if you're going horde. Some factors I took into account: high population without wait times, pvp...
Blizz customer service pisses me off. Been trying to get my account unlocked for four days now through email and web forms. Looks like I'll have...
**** jason mraz, you must be fourty.
So I herd you live in guam.
3 bucks for a gallon of milk at my grocery store.
Gratz brew
It's ironic that you didn't say FLAC.