Bs and pettiness reporting in.
Customized painterly pack is the way to go if you're not going high def and want to use the texture pack switcher. Home of The Minecraft...
For wooden plates items will activate. I know for a fact items and small animals don't activate stone plates, but I'm not sure if larger mobs like...
You can use two inverters to increase the length. Inverters are made like so: - is redstone [] is a block / is a torch -------[]/-[]/-------...
Write something new on your blog that nobody reads except me.
I call foundation.
Hardstyle: Dub Filth: Citrus 3 Shoutcast Hosting Dub: Just added Dub...
I really want to make lockout now. Maybe guardian...naw foundation is the other blocky one. With TNT superbounce.
****, you're right. There have only been three or so actual posts on this page though, so **** it.
Me and used man are making a map on sc2. Getting some ideas out using google docs to collab. **** is cash. [spoiler]
Tusk, everything you post is awesome. Teach me your ways. YouTube - Vuvuvu - MSTRKRFT Who has dropbox?
Lol @bt being black. Common misconception.
YouTube - Fallout: Nuka Break - Fan Film! mehhh, don't watch if you don't like college humor type videos.
lol. I believe you. Sorry, I was told some things... I'll edit the post.
[spoiler] It's the new influx of janitors, you can't get away with anything now. Follow the rules.
That was amazing.
Learnin Python... **** just got serious.
[img] I saw a fire in the distance that i know I didn't start in sp and my mind started racing. Turns out it was lava, but still, since when is...
I got a customized painterly pack :D, lots of neat features. Home of The Minecraft Painterly Pack [img] View from a tower in Matt's temp server.