I can't find a download for new Minecraft launcher for the life of me. Where is it?
Meltyourtv has enough fractions that he can't make threads or something so I'm posting this for him. My CnC [spoiler] Hey guys, I make music,...
Naw, just interested in making plugins and learning java, mostly learning java.
I've been learning java and bukkit all day. ****ing difficult.
Maybe if you get a really current torrent and use someone elses account. MAYBE. It would probably take a bit of setting up to. Honestly if you...
How the **** did you dupe the items that many times?
Locking doors is so pointless. If anyone really wanted to go in your house in our non-cuboid world they can go around them. Just lock your chests....
♪♫ ♫♫ ♪♫♪ ♪ ♫♪ What a nice tune.
Leaked material is not allowed on forgehub do to a partnership with bungie. I suggest you take that down before you get infracted.
wildstyle is amazing.
a <-------
You're oversimplifying it to fit your need to an extent that's laughable. All I'm trying to say is that complete banning of words is stupid. You...
Is anyone not okay with the word frog in our community? I can't think of anyone, so who the **** are we offending. Rules are made to fit a need,...
Just because we agreed to the rules doesn't mean we agree with the rules. You can censor us if you can come up with a better argument than because...
It makes me feel really disgusted.
I was actually just researching this last night myself. I was thinking about buying a Happauge PVR. The problem is I hate playing in standard...
I like the lighting you have going on in the first one. You've gotten a lot better since you've started.
Very few people actually use groups. Groups is a bad idea. Why not just keep this thread the way it is.
Say your car is stolen and report the license plate number to the police. Lols ensue, and then regret.
Ohwow.jpg Nobody is going to give a **** if his ear is gauged if he's good at what he does.