Yeah, I mean honestly stockpile seems to be the only way to do a scoring system for some sort of ball game. I've tried everything on here. Assault...
Wolftacular, please don't listen to this guy for many reasons. First off, I would not just go and rip off someones map. And second, if you...
So let's see. I just searched for Soccer Field since the way you wrote it sounded like the name of a map and found this post by you in a thread:...
Wow I really like the look of it. I like the tree inside, the map has a good atmosphere
Well sadly it's not that easy. The golf ball that is in play is just a golf ball. But inside each goal there is a soccer ball that is the flag...
Official Smashball Arena [img] Co-creators: A BombInLasagna and The Nard Dawg Update on 10/16/2010 at 4:35am. Update on 10/18/2010 at...
As some of you may know I've currently working on a project I call Smashball. Well I currently ran into a problem with stockpile where the way...
I have no idea what triggers sudden death for stockpile...If someone can figure out what triggers stockpile sudden death I will be very very very...
Are you sure you don't have weapons on map set to none in the game options?
Well I'm currently trying to get something going on the reach forums over at This really needs to be changed. Not just because it will...
That is so dumb that is shaves off 10 seconds...That makes absolutely no sense as to why they would not have the timers be in sync with each...
I'm sorry I should have updated the original post with a link to my game Smashball That thread has explanations and videos on what my game type...
I don't think you fully understand how my game type works or how my scoring system works. But thats ok because I didn't fully explain it in my...
What do you mean?
Do you know how to report/suggest things to Bungie. Something besides posting on the main halo reach forum? Because I post something on...
Exaaactly...This who situation is just a lose/lose scenario..No matter what I choose it won't be right. I hate when Bungie does stuff like this...
Blah I should have put the link to my smashball game because what you said is exactly how the scoring works. There are 5 rounds with each round...
Since Bungie doesn't think to do these kinds of things....the smallest time you can put for the flag collection time on stock pile is 15 seconds....
Ugh, it doesn't go into sudden death if there is a flag in the capture point...This totally messes up my game type
But then does that mean if sudden death was enabled it would happen every game? What triggers sudden death for stockpile? Like how in CTF if you...