Hey everyone! I haven't posted here in a while. Thanks for the compliments. Hopefully some more people will try out our game!
Congrats on getting this featured! I'm really glad this whole scoring system is getting known. Who knows what kind of creative games will be made...
Unless big problems happen...I'm pretty sure we have out 8v8 map done. It was pretty easy to make once we have the scoring system perfected. We've...
I really like the stadium it seems like the perfect size for this and really well made. I also really like the scoring system and how you made a...
Rampage...Can you please stop posting in these laser tag topics for the sole purpose to bump the topics up. You just posted in all 3 topics with...
The Nard Dawg(Smashball co-creator and basically the entire forger of our next Smashball map) created the logo. He is also in the process of...
Wow, cool thanks! I'll have to make an account. Also just to let you know there has been some big changes the scoring system. We haven't...
Yeah, I really don't understand that part...You would think that if you have the team set to neutral and the object color set to red or blue, the...
Thats a lot of questions lol...Most of which I'm not sure how much I can answer accurately. I'm pretty sure this is how it is... For everyone...
We've tried every single combination of settings for the colors we tried... Team: Neutral...Object Color: Red Team: Red Team...Object Color: Red...
but why would the host see different colors than the rest of the people?
In my Smashball arena I've set the object on one half of the map to red and the objects on the other half to blue. However the colors get all...
Wow that is a really cool looking arena. It has a very smooth/neat layout. I do have a few questions before I go play it. Are are vehicles/people...
I actually played this map the other day. It was pretty fun. However, I don't really see the point in having weapons on the map. Why would you use...
That is seriously awesome! I put the logo in the original post and I'm definitely going to make that my new signature because its 10000x better...
Hey thanks a lot! It's great that you have never had a problem but I know that one problem is actually possible. I'm not sure which version of the...
This first idea may not work out too well because you wouldn't actually be able to display a true winner right? I don't think there is a way to...
Isn't it possible to expand the active range of a teleporter? Couldn't you essentially spawn a teleporter with an active area the size of the...
I really don't think the coordinate system is useless. Everyone knows that pieces in forge like to move on their own and sometimes everyone except...
Yyeah that would have made things soo much easier if weapons couldn't go through shield doors. lol But then if weapons couldn't, the ball probably...