Hey Reflex, can you find me a better Avatar of AppleJack? I can't find any good ones /:
It's fine. But yeah, really did try to make it come back to life!
Nah, Spring break is like 4 weeks later /: but still, we are going to start by making twilight! :D
Alright! Sweet! Cause my high school has a half-day this wednesday! :D
NIGGA! Fine, what about Wednesday?
We are gonna do this together! Tomorrow! After school! Nigga.
Idk! Haha we need to make Grim to make MLP statues! xDD
haha what about spike? :c
Duh! Best game ever. Maybe a ME3 MLP mod?!?! I think a yes! Oh dude! I just rememberedz! Skyrim has a Pony mod!
It better be raw! I'll kill ya man, I'll do it! ^____________________^ Dude, what if they made a MLP video game for xbox? O.O
Yeah, Pac is 120% right. And I think it is time just to discuss Religion.
My sig is a win bro.
People say the earth and all life on it will end this year. Is there anyone here that supports this? I do not.
Aww, Shock! Why not?
Hey Shock can you give me a random CT? Please!
No problem man! All I ask is that you start doing clue lobbies again!
Yeah. I don't want to do all the work though. Like I'm going to be on most of the day, and on other days too.
Grates man. Again!
Grates man!