Yeah, I saw it right after I posted it, and Im far too lazy to go back and delete it.
DAMN IT BT!! I posted the link to the Beta sign ups, just to see that you already posted it :c
The Elder Scrolls | Dawnguard Beta There you go. You are welcome. Also, Dawnguard comes out on my birthday ^_^
There you go Nick! You forgot something, but I fixed it :)
I wouldn't mind getting that achievement! :D Cause every single time, some one has to go, or they lag out :c Also, I don't have the greatest...
Hey Nick, wanna play some Mass Effect right about now?
I am dying right now, and Sky ain't got no more revives! D: Welcome to forgehub, I want you to have my babies. Or better yet, welcome BACK to...
Because I was pretty Damn sure, but people can be pretty damn sure and still be wrong like no need to dump a brick in your pants.
Dude, chill out man, I hate Dragon Age, I wasn't really gonna and redeem it, and calling me a **** about it when I was wrong, I thought it was for...
Nick, I have the best idea ever. Like you don't even know. Like we have to do it. Like, we HAVE to do it. Like no matter what. Like either I...
Im like, taking a crap in my pants right now, I might get on and play now if I wasn't too tired xc
Holy Nutsack, look at this guys credits. fllr
I think a brick was just dropped in my pants. Im going to download this tomorrow. Like right when I get up, then connection will be fixed even...
Wait. New ME3 DLC. Brb. Im gonna go jump off a bridge, survive, be in horrible pain, then buy the DLC. Then I'm going to fix my connection to...
Absolutly terrible because we can not connect anymore </3 wbu?
haha fllr
I didn't go anywhere but I posted a link about Halo 4 and it was like a video making fun of it. But its all gud now, cause they reversed it :D
Hey Mocha! Guess who has 3 infractions from one BS post? And who also has a 7 day ban in the chat box?
WTF Bloo, it obviously was fake. I wasn't posting real leaks.