"But I would like to get to know you" -Sounds like a generic ending to a pick-up line, but I'll take what I can get.
So that you may understand, I am a Christian and can, in my own mind, logically counter the bit I posted. I merely wanted to open you up to the...
[IMG] No u.
Rest assured, friend, no one will have hard feelings. Keep in mind, though, that it's not hard to find someone that disagrees with you around...
I don't see a reason to be offended by, "Merry Christmas." I guess the big deal is that it has "Christ" in it. Seriously, though, I don't get...
Depending upon the size of the warphole, I'd say you're more-than-likely in for a pretty wild ride. As per the holy Deity's opinion of that, I...
Haha, thanks. I just found that picture on a t-shirt site. I absolutely had to have it as a sig.
Well, consulting whatever ridiculous translation that suggests homosexuality is as much a God-ordained union as a man-woman relationship, I'm not...
I lul'd. Well, I've always wanted to have your children, Nitrous. Perhaps, a lot of religious people are stupid. On that note, I'd like to...
In a time that I didn't know your "obviously more intelligent" bit was sarcasm, I was more confused than anything. It's pretty obviously stated at...
Stated obvious; avoided points; expected me to pick up connotation through text.
Not exactly sure why you'd need a sex scene from a book for sex-ed, but I suppose that's a healthy compromise.
Bolded part is an opinion. While opinions are the basis of debate, that particular opinion is slightly short of credible. If you're challenging...
Simply put, I am asking (too much, I guess) that it be handled with common sense. It's not hard to theorize that no sane parent wants his 9...
No no no. Not offensive to one individual. Let's start from something we would agree on. Let's invent a pretend book about orgies. This book...
Of course, and I'm not saying that any Classic should be removed. I do believe, however, that there should be limitations as to what age groups...
I don't classify Sex-Ed as pornography. Sure, in showing STDs and that business, there is nudity. As none of that is exactly "pleasureful" to...
Rather, as a parent, would you feel comfortable knowing that your child could view pornographic material at his school? The caliber of books to...
Well, a crack addict will get crack, if he really wants it. However, wouldn't you feel it best not to dangle it in front of his face without...
* A child is required to check a book out of the library. Whoever is in charge should be able to relate book to child and discern whether the book...