jsnfloyd@hotmail.com is my address if you want to add me
I'm playing now
When is the shirt going to arrive?
You get D3?
pm me the ip of chuck's minecraft server, I was on it last night, it's k, ask sarge for verification if you need to
haha, that's my summoner name
I like it. It looks good.
Design O.o?
LoL on Mac Team - Downloads
I have a smile on my face. Could be because of the music. Already been a bumpy year. It's k though. How are things with you?
I love you. <3. Hope you're having a wonderful day.
Just couldn't stay away?
? is all I have to say
I requested so long ago to be removed
If nothing can ever be perfect, then why hold your expectations to perfection? Not directed towards anyone in general, but enjoy things for...
Honda Civic, they're cheap. Low on fuel consumption and lot's of parts to be found everywhere. You may want something real nice as your first car....
I don't really see this working out within the game mechanics, the story, or the character. Master Chief has always been given directives, he's a...
Nocturne is pretty cool. Just played a match against him. I kept dodging all of his slows.
I like to play aggressive, but with options. With Singed I can push the lane pretty hard and have viable options with escaping. I use cleanse...