I'd rather see the game based on vectors, so we could infinitely expand an objects dimensions. Obviously this would cause natural looking objects...
... Yea...I really don't think you understand the amount of time and energy it takes to create a game. I think you should get some perspective....
I don't understand. I know what you're saying, but why don't you like PC games? There is absolutely nothing about any console that is better in...
I had a dream last night where you were Peter Dinklage. We were having a discussion about shows and you swaggered up to me ( I was eye level, so I...
WTF is wrong with people!? Deftly handled though, I might have lost my ****.
Uhh, I never once had to deal with any drm with the batman games. The only issue I've had with asylum has been disconnecting from steam and losing...
My real gripe with the film was how long it was. It suffered more from the 2003 rendition of the Incredible Hulk. Too much time spent in building...
Yea, you definitely couldn't set out to sell, there clearly is no price point at which peopl won't pirate regardless of the content quality. A...
On Live is **** because it's business model is ****. The best scenario for On Live would be to have a monthly fee and players get access to a...
It wasn't my favored purchase, but I'll be playing that game at some point.
Sticky sticks....
My favorite brit, how are ya man?
The msp system is a bit decietful...Pyschologically you are more willing to spend points because they are disassociated monetarily. Also you can...
I'm not paying $60 for a mediocre title ever again. I may pick up Isaac too, vice says it's a lot of fun. I've bought over 15 games for less than...
AA's abilities, guns, etc. do not create dynamic gameplay, maps do. I watched some video with neighbor playing and holy **** that map was...
Isn't Tribes Ascend free to play? I looked at the Binding of Isaac. It seems interesting...let me know how it is. I've spent too much this...
You got trolled by steam, bought that Batman pack for $50, next goes on sale for $24.99. Trolololololololol
Cool, maybe I'll see you on tomorrow. I'm rolling a barbarian right now on nightmare.
sweet, when do you usually play? Also anyone else that plays I might know of? Shad0w?
what is your name on D3 so we can play together and stuffs