I got you ;P. Clothes play a very minor part of your hiring process. You want to make good impressions with people, but just having a confident,...
I've been procrastinating too. Fallout New Vegas. Welp, I'm going to try and get back on track. Once the steam engine goes it tends to keep on...
If I want to sit on my porch and yell angrily, dagummit I will. (Well **** you peg, I know you're thinking "well rusty then no ones going to...
What's your steam ID?
If my job hung in the balance because of the impression of something I owned, then the world has really gone to ****. Apple is not inventive,...
For PC peeps, one day only. Pre-purchase Borderlands 2 for 37.50. Suck it consolers ;P Borderlands 2 (NA) | PC game | Download discounts at...
I do something stupid at least once a day.
Sigh. I'm still going with the speechless story.
Again at your level of play Tryn is beast. If you'd like I can play counters to tyrn in a bot match with you. Just watch out for teemo, kayle, and...
I'll just take it you were too enamored to ask and left speechless. How did you come in contact with her?
Who lifted your spirits only to deny your dreams? I will find them!
Are you lookng for controversy? I'll give it to you! So here goes. Take comments like these to the appropiate thread and if one isn't available,...
It all depends on team comp, but most ranged champs, mainly mages aren't suitable for competitive play as ad's. Mostly because they lack steroids...
So what's new in the world of essias?
INTJ Introvert(67%) iNtuitive(62%) iNtuitive Thinking(25%) Judging(1%) •You have distinctive preference of Introversion over Extraversion...
I blame the lack of drugs.
Really? Mid, I mean it can work as any ad can go mid. Despite her shitty range, spell shield is the only thing that makes it viable. Still though,...
It is a tower defense game. I think people are trying to describe many aspects of the game. It's difficult because it is an emerging genre that's...
Just bring back the Halo 1 shotgun. Then it could actually be a power weapon.
Reddit it.