lol.. thanks do you think its better than the old one?
Well.. the original album cover was boring so.. i made this CC is nice... No Border [IMG] Black Border [IMG] White Border [IMG] Original [IMG]
Not the worst signature i have seen but it is not very good.. The colors of the background don't match with the render at all.. The rain isn't bad...
lol.. sure if you give me a list of albums
ahh its Blivion... [IMG] made this.. awesomeness dock skin and icons from DA
Looks, like your all on your own now.. Terrax is banned
Well der you go.. my entry [IMG]
did you draw the person in paint to?
Not that i know of, maybe getting windows blinds and skinstudio would be easier
Nooooooooooooooooooooooo! Teh GIMP is teh sux0rz.. lol, GIMP is okay... i dont use it because im used to photoshop... so if you can find it i...
The only resource editor i know is Reshacker.. google it
Its not really that hard to use... all you have to do is make the background then click what you want to add
Lolzorz double post there sushi
Ok, well yesterday i found this really awesome site that lets you create your own Xbox Gamercards the website is Design and create your own unique...