Il be your partner if ya want.
Smudge, Burn and Dodge..
The first one is alright.. text is horrible.. its okay i cant do text either.. and the wheels are sharpened to much.. they dont go well with the...
i dont really like the radial blur over it all..
I like the second one, theres more going on, and it looks like you did more to it
Sig for SOTW V1 [IMG] V2 [IMG] V3 [IMG] V4 [IMG] Which one should i use for SOTW? or any other cnc?
New Version is Up
i did put the render, and i did not do a whole lot, bu it doesnt look to bad, most my other work s better
Made a new signature. CnC please. Text (V1) [IMG] Text (V2) [IMG] No Text [IMG] Darker [IMG] Black and White [IMG] V5 [IMG] Render is at...
Yeah, pretty sick artwork, good band too
You are definitely not the only one, i dont have one, but, many forgehubbers do
Im gonna vote for AceOfSpades0707, all i see that he did was a gradient but it still looks better then HLG's
Yeah, i noticed.. your pretty good now
Duuuude, nice render in your sig, remember that one i had?
You really pulled it out even farther? The quick launch just looks so weird out far
Not much, haha how bout you?
no offence, but idk what's so special about it, just some text and colours. It does look a lot like the forgehub banner though, good job on that
Its XKGxOblivion