And all that is perfectly fine, but I don't think that a thread is needed for it. Maps like this have been posted. Moon Waffle, that one map with...
Believe me when I say this, I will post again in this thread why you are wrong in a sense ER1C0. Please notice that I say you are only wrong in a...
More choices. Critical In Your Face Perception Practice Just Quit
Whatever you do, do NOT go with MLFS. It sounds too much like MILFs. An acronym I have no need of explaining.
What's the verdict and which ones? I have some candidates for our team as well. As good as Xanon might I add.
Donii, you can get level locked. It happens when you have a high number of total losses and a majority in the playlist where you have the locked...
You guys seem to all be at fault here. Just because the guy says "merging" instead of "interlocking doesn't mean he doesn't know the terms....
What's up? I'm at my dads place ATM.
We Be Sneekee Invizible Steaktaculars Easy as 1,2,3,4 Campfire all I got..
Putting water into the map will probably completely ruin gameplay completely. Unless the water is blocked off and made for pure aesthetics. Stick...
Mehh whatevar. We'll see how it plays first.
I think it looks great and all but aren't you guys jumping a little too ahead of yourselves? Seriously? Marry the map...
How in the he'll do I have 2400 points :O
thanks for being such a good sport about it. And yeah I'm sorry for how things turned out.
shadow am i aloud to have amercanpsycho host a 1v1 match for me and my opponent? we cannot connect. Amercan will just jump off every time. answer...
Not at home dude. At my dads house.
What can I do u for zanitor?
awesome puzzle. One for the books for sure.
Orange do you have a 3rd or a 4th?
are u srs dude. if you are then... Ill suck your **** for money? (and the luls?)