and... i dunno about you guys but i loooved watching mystery science theater 3000, every day XD
We have new internet, and its supposed to be fairly good i guess. I'm trying to just see if i can get online fro my computer and the xbox at the...
the voices are kinda dumb....but.... this made me laugh alot, idk why XD especially the part with frankie/lukems got all mad lmao...
" BEIJING, Nov. 1 -- The recent deaths of two net gamers have once again raised the issue of the impact of addiction on the online gaming...
yup...puweeease? <3 i want to have a costumized epic signature like everyone else D; it would be very nice.. :]
[IMG] [IMG] SHOOP DA WHOOP! [IMG] [IMG] Through Fire and Through Flames...
Funniest guy i've seen in a loooong time. Thanks LIGHTS!
for 6 years. i find this soo amazing. True art.
This has made me cry numerous times watching. what can i a sensitive person :[
Everyone knows or will figure it out eventually, The Beatles are the best musicians ever. amazing song writer's, they were influential in every...
are funny. mostly im aiming at little 9-13 year olds. woo, gaming is cool! love it, but when i see this [IMG] i LOL up the arse XD and im...
Air Spartan: [IMG] Folk Dancing!: [IMG] spectro patronum: [IMG] Oh Chet!!: [IMG] He was tryin' to beat me up :[ [IMG] Kisses on the forehead...
Yet another creation from Drawingman and Toochie. Thanks to orangeremi and go4er for all teh help :] The Story: Some weeks ago,...
This video is so funny. I have a horrible fear of spiders D; and in a less exaturated way, it reminds me of my family hahahahaha...
I love these guys, their music is moving. tLMTtSfYSm8&NR=1
Idk if any of you have seen him, but i feel the need to show you guys. He's really rather awesome and yeah check him out :]...
im not "new" but i never posted an introduction lol. im sharyn, live in cali. play halo...duh. and getting sucked into call of duty. i play...
Love these guys. and love this song. SPeinL5J8Dc