Right here.
Ok, you probably won't believe me, but I talked to someone I know that works in the Pentagon, and this is what they told me about this subject....
Another great one Remy. Saw this last night when it was half-built(wow that was fast). Can't wait to get some playtime in on this, and also finish...
Great job Remy. Looked great when you and I flew around it in Forge last night, and I can't wait to get some gameplay in on it.
Looks like a great map, although I am questioning the Firebombs. Have they worked well in testing? And also I agree with the person a few above. 4...
I use the two rockets similar to the default Sandbox, each team having one and balancing the other out. As you haven't had time to play it yet, I...
Ok, so in making tweaks after playtesting it, some of the objective spawns deleted themselves, so I had to shuffle some stuff around to make...
I predict cries of "Map or it didn't happen" that's why I asked for a DL link.
I would love to try this map out, it looks great, but there is no download link :(
OP updated with more screenshots. Thanks for the positive feedback guys, but does anybody have comments on gameplay(other than the people I tested...
Hey, you mentioned that I should make a v2 of my map Projection. What should I add/change to make it better?
I would gladly make a v2 if you offered some suggestions as to what I should change/fix. I am at the OLN, but I am willing to sacrifice the...
I didn't just expand the default base. Sure, there are elements of the default base there, but what I have done has made the base completely...
Seems kinda loaded with power weapons if you ask me. You may want to put a bit more effort into balancing gameplay, rather than just throwing...
One glitch I have noticed that really frustrates me is that sometimes, if you set an object from the default map to not spawn at start, it will...
I switch around between 1, 3, 4, and 5. Right now its for. It was 3 for a really long time, and 1 for awhile, now its usually 4 or 5.
Yes, the pictures work now, but you probably should add a more complete description of the map, with weapon layout, what gametypes work, and...
Read this.
Not on mine. You need to embed them from haloscreenshots.net
Projection [IMG] By padres1944 Download Normal Version Download Heavy Version Description: Edit: Newest version is somewhat changed from given...