After more testing, I agree. I've decided to turn the slit horizontal instead of vertical in hopes that it becomes more of just a viewpoint and...
Great. I'll probably be on for awhile. Just send me a message or something. I'm on Pacific time.
Hey, if you think you might be able to, could you maybe get on sometime today and give me some pointers about Verticality?
Well, the hole between the inner red column and the inner blue column is supposed to be there. Its by design and is supposed to force you to watch...
Neutral power weapons? As far as I know(and I made the map), there aren't any. What were you talking about?
Thanks for the comments on my map. I'm a big fan of Conquest, so I thought I'd try my hand at making a map. I studied all of the guides to making...
That's exactly what prompted me to make it. Most Conquest maps I've played don't have much vertical change, so I decided to make one. Granted,...
Verticality Created by padres1944 With a lot of help from MisterRemy(IIRemy) Supported Gametypes: Conquest v3, Conquest Map Description...
I think Conquest would fit perfectly as a Double XP Weekend, and would also be a nice addition to Action Sack. Whatever you guys are doing to get...
Studio submission - updated version. Fixes spots where backstage pass winners could break the map and get into the studio. I'm not gonna let...
Seems like that should be a pretty quick fix.
The changes to v2 make it just that much better. I was also completely surprised how well Flag played, though probably still not good enough for...
With the v2 changes, it has a possibility of working. We're just gonna test it. That's because default isn't set up for FFA. There was a...
It works great with King and Slayer too. We're setting v2 up for Flag to see if it works. That's all MLG gametypes right there.
I think I may have an idea of how to do this. I'll discuss it with Remy next time he gets on.
It actually works much better with 4v4. In the video shown, that is just the teams. Most of our team played together a lot and also, helped to...
Have you ever played MLG? Several MLG maps use customs, and in MLG maps it gives 3x Overshields.
That's not what he meant. The map has already been tested. It's in "beta" as in it isn't the final version of the map. It is open to constructive...
The gameplay is actually really good. If you watched the playtest film he provided, or play a game on it yourself, you would see that. The circle...
Wow. Most of you guys probably didn't download this. You also all fail to see the point of the map. It isn't supposed to be some amazing CTF map...