I've picked this map to be play-tested on the Saturday 1/9 customs event. Feel free to come watch people play your map or join our lobby and play...
Wasnt planning on it, but this weekend I am. I have a new event post here...
I'll look into getting the music into a separate channel, thats a good idea. As far as the balance of the audio its kinda moot - both the party...
We did actually get to play this map last week. I really liked the theme, you pulled off the cable cars quite well. In fact, one of the players...
This event has been completed. Click here for the entire stream - only 4 days left to watch! We loved it so we're doing it again! ** Follow me...
Im really sorry if i intruded by scheduling an event at the same time as this - i promise it was inadvertent.
Follow me on forgehub and you'll get alerts when I start a thread. (click my profile and click follow) Im going to start a thread later this week...
Ahhhem... This map is actually called Optic :)
That sucks. Guess my Pandora station was too loud
Sorry if we didnt get to play any late submissions. This event is now completed and a full record of the broadcast can be found here. I also...
Whats ur Gt and what gametypes on which maps?
Would you prefer CTF or Slayer?
What gametypes and how many players does it support?
Whats your GT and map name? Sure thing debo, let me know!
Use this - https://savvytime.com/converter/gmt-to-est Its 8PM EST and convert to your timescale.. i think you'll be in the AMs like 2-3AM
What timezone are you in? It is taking place in approx 17 hours from now
Awesome I'll add it to the playlist! What did you name it?
I'm going to add some detail on the playlist for the recommended amount of players - because I don't know how big our lobby will be it would be...