'Tis my passion
So you skate huh?
Surely the expiry date is pretty long?
Nawh lol. Why are you trying to make a big argument?
I have an opinion that is uncorrupted as I haven't spent lots of time catering to the style of criticism in the GnA section
Gears isn't all flow. It's a brutal gratuitously violent game, based on hectic close quarter combat and ruthless **** man.
Why can't I stop watching your avitar? D:
How do I fight the ingrowns?
Why the **** not.
I like Stoj's best. It captures the GOW feel much better. Which is what the sig SHOULD do. **** the flow, you guys are missing what G & A is about.
Happy Birthday!!!!! =] Congratulations on your 18th birthday. Go get wasted, hit some clubs and get laid Aaron.
They don't MAKE you.. idk.. I was with friends and cops pulled us up and I had some and they didn't do ****.
I found out that in New Zealand if cops find you with weed, and you have less than 3 ounces and tell them it's for personal use then they'll just...
Hmmm, you just linked to porn =/
Me: I am god Christian: No you're not, prove it.. Me: Prove that I'm not.
xD yesssssss!! :'D
If you want you could try talking to the bi polar kid's parents and see if they can chill the **** out and take a look at the big picture and...
Did you just change it back? You did didn't you!! :D ABOUT ****ING TIME.