Your scruples are a lack of!
I think Textured Sun is going to be pissed...
Maybe she wants you to be more physical. Try fingering her and stuff
If I had a GF that wanted to talk to me an hour everynight and stuff I'd find it kind of annoying.. =/ I think maybe she thinks you're being a...
Crips what mothafucka.
Not everyone has a hardcore MLG play style.
I used the eraser
Yeah I am not much of a photoshop man. But I did manage to cut this out and stuff. [IMG] Do you like?
.... It's a pelican -__-
lol winrarrrrrrrrrrrr ^_^ has it worked for you yet?
Yeah, plus I'm still waiting for her to give me her number.
Cool avatar bro
The other people in the picture didnt know I was doing it,.. I just did it right before the photo was taken. THat is my Rapist paedophile...
Yeah it was planned, but the execution of it I was very proud of.
It is the perfect photo. I can't really remember much from that night >.>
Hey, I'm John. See me lookin really sexy in this picture? [IMG] So yeah, can I have your number?
lol Forge Hub Halo Forums - View Profile: Muse
Don't worry man. I won't be creepy towards her one bit k?
Hey. Where do you live.
lol k. Just make sure they're swine free