Oh really? What did you cats get up to then?
well winter isn't all that bad.. I just spent the week away snowboarding ^_^ it was rad.
nice. It's winter here =/ I'm pretty jealous of you and your summer >:/ I want summer. how's the land of michigania?
Hello :] I'm good as. Just been working a lot. Earning mean moneys. it's heaps good. What've you been doing with yourself?
It may be creepy chuck, but that's just a name. It doesn't make you as creepy as me.
Hey. Don't steal it you thief. Take it down
>:) filr
So you skate?
Well the gametype he uses is my one so its all good
OOoh what a theif bro. Don't worry I'll deal with it for now. Must maintain friendly relations with other sites.
I think Shadow got it.
Shot holmes. I asked chrstphr to do it too lolz
Did you get him?
SeemsAsIfGamerShouldBumpItForSomeReason. >:] Chur homie.
Good to hear. Did you see this btw? http://www.forgehub.com/forum/mini-game-maps/74052-meteor-strike.html
Nothing much man. Just getting drunk then my friend is picking me up and we're going to her place and partying there for a bit and getting...
This one.. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/mini-game-maps/74052-meteor-strike.html
FINE THEN!! I didn't even want to talk to you anyways!