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I could not take the guy playing roll seriously, i lol'd.
I guess you haven't seen this then? [IMG]
Yea, and this will be a problem when you are recording because your computer wont keep up with a real time preview when its recording, so not only...
lmao :D world of warcraft is like cigarettes to kids.
Alas the poison that will be the death of edgar and sharyn, i knew them well.
This entry just raped the balls off of everyone elses, for reals.
lmao your rep ended my 21 days without rep spree! D:
nvm found the thing in your fileshare, but the link in your post is dead.
Hey i want to DL midshipv5... link dosnt work.
Oh you kids and your egos you wish you had. Neat video.
The red dazzle works on jtv, but the silver one does not.
Arhg, wish i still had that video on my computer, just to show it off! >_0 Thanks for remembering that though. Also sharp, you may want to...
A thread like this was made before by agamer, and it was pretty much decided it wasn't worthy enough for a sticky....
you forgot to mention if your looking for an external or internal one aswell, depending on your needs....
Yea Imaginationland was by far the most epic win of all the south park episodes, and i seen them all. The fantastic Easter special would have to...
[IMG] Double post!
Mine was crashing last night before update too, so it cant the NXE.