Dental Plan... Tex Needs New Glasses... Lisa needs braces!
That has to be the saddest thing i heard in a long time. o_0
who is this?
[IMG] remove the underscores dee dee dee.
ITT: Bitches who lock GOLDEN topics :3
Dr. Klinks Citrus Experiment.
imma rape you with a 10 foot pole.
OMFG haha sharyn got warned lemme guess, sarge?
you can get msn, and skype though fring for the iphone, and itouch. Go ahead and get the itouch if you dont wanna pay the bill, theyere worth it,...
That was so bad. Only the extrm on narrows was the only clip worthy clip, keep playing kid, stay out of that laser playlist..
song of stroms still reminds of me of the first charlie and the chocolate factory.
tee hee :) you laugh you lose.
SORRY i wont have an xbox for a long time.
No matter how fast sonic is the guy was able to block him out.
I couldnt take these ads seroiusly, the entire time my mind kept saying that they dont shave. o_o
No I can almost GUARANTEE that he probably learned about this product from /b/
QFT o_0
mmm wish i had the guts to jailbreak my iphone =|
Aw, you made me flaccid :(
**** yea! \o see you on the other side *awaits bant from sage*