It has already been confirmed that there will be no levitation and that the big cities exist in separate cells, like Oblivion. The smaller towns,...
Videos from E3: YouTube - Battlefield 3: E3 Frostbite 2 Features Trailer (E3)‏ YouTube - Battlefield 3: Operation Metro Multiplayer...
The highlights for me were Skyrim and Battlefield 3. The open world of Skyrim looks amazing and they have improved so much from Oblivion....
Same ****, different number, somewhat improved graphics I suppose You probably could tell that I am unimpressed by what they've shown of this game.
This game was a lot of fun when I got to play it. Jetpacks are as always a ton of fun to use and I like the platforming element in this game where...
It's a scene in a Coen brother movie called Burn After Reading. It's a somewhat funny yet twisted dark comedy. When you watch the film, you...
That's odd. The pictures were loading up before, but now I cannot even get onto photobucket. Must be a problem with the site. ^Unfortunately...
[IMG] Description of map: There are four sides to the map, Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow, which are surrounding a grassy courtyard with a glass...
Jeremiah's fileshare (where I got the gametypes the day before that matchmaking update): : Reach : Service Record
Romero Plaza is a zombie map that I have been playing around with lately. Upright Corpses Brigade is the gametype that I have made specifically...
lol that would be too insane. and i wouldn't want the cones to random fall down and kill the blue guy on the bottom. i think the way i have it as...
No labels are necessary for human and zombie spawns. Blue team is zombie Red team is human
When I am able, I will edit the map and put in a dmr for the blue guy, and possibly increase the width of the hb_goal to solve those problems....
I scrapped the old map in favor of a smaller, yet much taller one with a ceiling. I also updated the gametype to go with the new map. You will...
****. Guess what? There's a big problem that I overlooked. Apparently if you don't move at all, you'll just float, so I guess there will just have...
[IMG] Brief Description: Avoid the hole(s) in the floor at all costs. [IMG] How to Play: Close your party, assign one player to be on...
It's a gametype specific feature. Go into Forge with the Haloball gametype, and you'll see that there's a ball starting point label. Simply place...
This game looks great. It's about time someone posted a map using this unique "delete" feature of Haloball.
You should make a thread in the Optimatch forum on If Bungie can implement a gametype such as Chess, in which you play as a monitor...
Make sure the goal is set to your team's color, and that it has a big enough radius and height. Other than that, you'll just have to play around...