A big part of the problem is that on far too many servers, the vehicle respawn time is ridiculously fast. And then you have players sitting at the...
Caspian Border is a map that for consoles would be better without jets so that there can be more players actually going for objectives. Then...
The ****ing bullet deviation brought on by suppression after the patch is just beyond ridiculous. I'm not going to lie, I've rage quit several...
I don't want to make too much of a judgment before seeing the game and these new features in action, but I'm a bit worried about the direction...
Sounds like it's time for you to move on from Battlefield 3, brother.
Anyone else been noobing it up with the God gun, aka the M26 MASS attached to a G3A3 with a heavy barrel?
I'm looking forward to Wake Island 5 Flag Conquest Assault, the way the map is meant to be. US starts on the carrier, has more vehicles and a...
I played a game on this earlier with some random redneck hillbillies (no offense to random redneck hillbillies btw). The map like Stupid above me...
Big patch on the PS3 today. Wake Island 5 flag conquest, option to quit during intermission, and other surprises not included in those patch notes...
Yes, on consoles. Go into server browser and find a server then press A and you should be able to see a list of the maps on that server along with...
There was a server update on consoles, in preparation for the upcoming patch, which hopefully will come out next week. Anyway, for those of you...
I could not be called a battlefield veteran or anything like that, because I have only played the spin-off console titles. But in Bad Company 1...
Some brief footage of a map in Close Quarters (team deathmatch): Battlefield 3 Close Quarters (gameplay) 1080p - YouTube The first gameplay...
The vehicle themed dlc is coming out in fall. That's a long wait for some "true" battlefield maps. It would have been nice if the dlc packs were a...
New dlc announced, first one called Close Quarters comes out in June Not only is the next expansion a while away, but centered around mostly...
I know, right? I also wish they would make a Zero Bloom version of every existing gametype, including CTF Slayer. And Speedflag Slayer and...
Taken from the Halo Bulletin: 2/2/12: Team Hotshot added to Action Sack. Right about now you’re probably asking yourself, what is Team Hotshot?...
That doesn't mean anything. The gates to Oblivion weren't open in Morrowind and there were plenty of daedra lurking in dungeons and out and about...
I really hope dlc will add in tons of unique weapons and armor. They left out so many Daedric and other unique artifacts from Morrowind and...
It's been a while since I've played Skyrim for more than an hour or so. I haven't beaten the main quest or even done half of the faction quests or...