Yeah, I don't really have any idea what they're going to do with that. Maybe the AC130 is like a flag itself and both sides fight for it. Maybe...
I've heard PC players say flying jets is much easier with a keyboard and mouse as you can get more precise than with the thumbsticks on the...
Unless that's a C-130. Looks like it has the guns fitted underneath in that pic though. I wonder how it will work in the game.
[IMG] New trailer tomorrow?
BBBFFF333PPP - YouTube [IMG] New vehicles: AC-130, mobile artillery, quad, Stryker MGS (tank destroyer), 2S25 Sprut-SD (tank destroyer)...
The big maps work, just players that don't play the objective ruin them. Oh, and jets as well, they're a waste. Need big maps with mostly ground...
Well, the problem I have with "premium" or "elite" is not knowing what you're getting before hand. The real meat of the package is the expansion...
Age of Empires 2: The Conquerors Expansion RollerCoaster Tycoon 1/2 GTA: San Andreas (xbox), causing major traffic accidents is so much more...
[IMG] Stupid ****, right?
Will any of you guys get the Special Edition just for the map packs, even though you're going in blind with no idea of whether the maps will even...
I just hope that we can disable a lot of this new nonsense in custom game options.
New update including mounted combat announced
30 more bucks for three map packs to be released in the future, I'll pass. I'll just preorder the standard edition for regular price and buy...
For the server to become populated, I have to basically idle in the server until players start popping in. For the last several days, the server...
MIC ONLY Conquest Normal Mordor Epic Battles For easier search, just search up "Mordor" in the Server Browser. Favorite this server and we...
I'm trying out rent a server (xbox 360) for a week. I made a server for only the large conquest maps with 200% tickets. I'm trying to get my...
I like how they're including all the human rifles.
Probably because this game is supposed to be a sequel to Battlefield 2 and part of the main series as opposed to the spin off Bad Company series....
I hope that the biggest expansion for Skyrim will deal with the Thalmor. I want to kill more of them and see sleeper agents working for the...
I can't say i'm looking forward to it kn all honesty, though I will most likely buy it anyway. I prefer battlefields over close quarter indoor maps.