I never cared for race, but you cannot be serious with that question, can you? There are forge communities dedicated solely to racetracks and...
Physical warfare was just a preorder bonus that later became available to everyone. It gave the player early access to the SKS with a flash...
Nah, it won't be about werewolves. In the code you can find references to Daedric Lord Hermaeus Mora and his realm of Oblivion called Apocrypha....
The Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Solstheim is an island located between the borders of Morrowind and Skyrim. It...
Anybody else play Morrowind and its expansion Bloodmoon? I'm excited that this next expansion will be taking place in Solstheim.
The grifball is now a ball instead of a bomb. No explosion.
Article on Aftermath
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=PcO5ajxGenc [img]
The big one? [spoiler] [spoiler]
Let's see: -no assault -no territories -no classic CTF -no VIP -no juggernaut -no options to set Flood to have weapons other than the claw (not...
But there's no race mode in Halo 4, right?
343 is taking custom games a big step backwards and that bothers me more than anything. There seems to be far less potential for interesting and...
And then ruined for anyone who would use the gametype for minigames as well. Looks like we're going to have to be doing a ton of thinking inside...
Pre-preorder cancelled
Gametypes: * Capture the flag * Dominion * Extraction (new one) * Flood * Grifball * King of the Hill * Oddball * Regicide * Slayer I don't see...
I hope we can make the trait zones/grav volumes spawn in when we want them to, and the same for kill zones this times around, unlike Reach where...
Not sure if this vid was posted Halo 4 - G4 Gameplay Footage - YouTube
Question: "Is 10 players the max for Flood?" Answer: "Yes." I wish the guy would clarify whether that's just for the matchmaking playlist or for...
Better yet, I'd like an equivalent of the Brute Chopper so we can have Tremors on Valhalla again.
Let's move away from discussing matchmaking for just a moment, shall we? What about custom games? I'm praying that 343 doesn't pull a Bungie in...