I noticed that also. One of the key components to any map is flooring, and they haven't created one yet. That was why I was not expecting...
Well... the plot thickens...
Is it true that there will be trees on the forge island canvas?
They said you could connect them together... but why would you? They aren't even the same elevation from each other... I wonder if the sky box...
I remember how we all complained about the gray.... the endless gray... What I would give to have these palettes go back to mostly gray again...
Makes me think of Montaska... But nice idea... perhaps before Halo 5 some of us should present some ideas like this and detail WHY the features...
The only thing I find distasteful about that bock is the black lines on it. When used with other blocks with "other lines" they never match or...
The tiny island will make a nice center piece for a 4v4 map for some people...
the three islands look like three pillars from forge world of varying diameter that have been hammered on the top. They look like lobotomized...
Well I am only passing on what I was told and shown. I mean if you look at the number of people in that pic and the 343i people up on stage, I...
From the pics, as rough as they were, it looks like the blocks still have lines running through their skins. In other words, the blocks will not...
The meeting looks like a freaking train wreck for 343i. The room was just about completely empty.....
Back to topic... As I said, adding artistic forging to the map to improve a sense of immersion into the intended theme is very good. But as I...
... Well, if it comes across as rude, then perhaps we should forge the maps ourselves so that we can take pics of our own maps to demonstrate...
Leaving FH doesn't sound like a bad idea... Perhaps I should....
Well, I don't know how I came across being negative as I am just trying to point out what I think one needs to consider... Would you prefer I just...
@Fenix, indeed, I think we agree on the issue. I have never said do not add street lights. What I have tried to say is that the basic structure...
All things being equal, YES I would add them... My lengthy posts before was to simply point out that I would add them to a map that was cleanly...
Yes, and I am not certain what you mean by complicated, but I don't think it is the same as visually noisy. They don't have the same confusion of...
Well, my opinion is that whether you have street lights or fences, or billboards, etc., is not as great of an issue as the blocks themselves. Take...