But if you are forging for the playlists, you need to know which playlists the weapon spawning are disabled and which playlists the ODs are...
That was what I was thinking. I suspect it wouldn't matter where the weapon spawned, because it has more to do with the fact that the engine had...
The thick, mist filled forest that the flood live amongst awaits... Gosh, I get the creepies just thinking about playing on a map like that!
These are all key points to keep in mind. Taking Ragnarok as an example, if blue moves up to mid and are looking toward red base, the only reason...
Ragnarok does use dynamic spawning. There are no maps that I know of in Halo 4 that use static spawning for any game type other than CTF and...
To be CoD-ish...
Yes, you can... Let me get this correct. The behavior manifests only when the same weapon type is spawned on the map using a combination of both...
My first thought is that this is not better than you expected, but actually just a bug that you uncovered (or more precisely, an undocumented...
You can see what the camera is looking at? My screen always shows a picture that is so fuzzied/out of focus that I really don't see any point to...
I was forging with A Haunted Army one day, and discussing a map that I made that he really hated. Lamenting how bad that map was, he said to me,...
Standoff is one I have thought about... you can fly the banshee below the map's edge and resurface down stream somewhere else like on Standoff.
Is there a purpose for 12.8 degree angle? Do you mean pitch angle?
I would have been thrilled with just beaches and a sand bar connecting the islands... But I know what you mean...
CertainAffinity confirmed that their motivation was to prevent spawning by an enemy at all costs. This is the problem they solved, but in so doing...
That was my first impression, until I began to see some of the things people were creating with it. I am very impressed with the possibilities....
I don't see how a properly sized map would ever support flag status zones with any practical purpose.
I don't tend to design for split screen, but I found that one of my maps when scaled back in size (and blocks) for 4v4 rather than 6v6 did pretty...
This is very good to know. Thanks!
It will make a really nice VERY LARGE floor that isn't gray...
Chalk it up to another bug that 343i needs to deal with. In fact, I would bring this to their attention on waypoint matchmaking. I think there is...