I accidentally broke the tip of my pencil off underneath my fingernail and it's stuck. This ****ing sucks.
I think you're right. I think they just found a face that looked like he was crying and 'shopped it in.
The Adventures of Ugly Shepard **** yeah.
I was always sure that another would be made. Just a matter of when. IMO, Far Cry 2 seriously underperformed and had gameplay elements that just...
A-Z Game 2.052 seconds. Believe it.
And just how many jokes have you already written about staying on topic during the recording?
Haha Obama (good) rhymes wit Osama (bad)!! Lol I almost threw up when I saw someone post that on facebook.
They're so excited they can't even type correctly.
He's ****ing dead. Discuss. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-13256676
16:10 - 16:40 YouTube - [HD]Portal 2 - Chapter 3 : The Return She clearly says that the surprise has to do with two people you haven't seen...
Of all the things on this green earth that Grif could actually afford to buy you, you chose Minecraft?
I actually walked in on a friend watching that show last night. They explained to me that while the Doctor is moving forward in time, the woman is...
In Chapter 3 she says that she has a surprise for you, which is that she has found two other people with your last name. Then, during the last...
YouTube - Portal 2: Walkthrough - Part 1 [Chapter 4] - The Surprise - Let's Play (Portal Gameplay/Commentary)
Hmm, strange. What do you think it means?
All major credit card companies have said that, as far as they can tell, no money has been taken from people's credit cards through the PSN. I...
If you own any online game, you're essentially missing out on half the content the game offers. I don't think Sony really needs to refund anyone,...
The possibility of Sony charging for it's base online service before this happened was 0%. Now, I'd say there is even less of a possibility. Sony...
Who blops anymore?