Haha, forgot about that. Right after Frank and Dennis almost Glory-Hole each other.
It's so weird, but sometimes even rewarding to see the episodes out of order. I saw maybe 2-3 episodes with Cricket, worse off each time, and in...
So many classic moments in the show. And all of the recurring characters are actually funny and you're glad to see them, unlike a lot of other shows.
I ****ing cracked up when I heard that and remembered Dennis and Charlie writing that in another episode.
I might not have seen that one, but the ones involving the waitress are some of the best, especially The Nightman Cometh, if you've seen that one.
Haha that one is a great one, especially since I watched it right after seeing A Beautiful Mind. My favorite is the two-part episode where Mac...
I thought you might have. Been watching reruns on Comedy Central and it's my new addiction. They've started repeating episodes though, so I'm...
Sarge, have/do you watch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia?
I'm not trying to hate, I'm sure it will be fun, but it looks exactly, and I mean exactly the same as MW2.
Why another account? Was RST banned or what?
Real Steel looks good enough. ****, I know a generic action/robot movie with possibly a laughable story and two dimensional characters when I see...
I'll be the damsel in distress. I never have to do any work and people carry me places.
Aye .
I agree. The only problem I have is that CoD has a 6 hour campaign of doing the same things over and over again. You might get a neat mechanic...
You can call me a hypocrite if you like, but Portal 2, even though the single player didn't quite reach 10 hours, provided me with more laughs,...
Is 10 hours your idea of massive? Not hating or anything, but 10 hours really seems like a bare minimum for me when it comes to a single player....
God didn't take the burger. Satan did.
My guess is that a varied campaign means they will take you to a lot of locations, but it will still be the always-on-eleven shooter CoD has been...
Either caddy or lifeguard. Gamestop is minimum wage, and where I live Lifeguards are paid close to $10 an hour. Sure, you have to pay for...
A Beautiful Mind So we watched this in my Psychology class this past week, and I absolutely loved this movie. It's captivating, intelligent,...