Tri-Hards Two and a Half Gamers Three Guys One Pickaxe
Meh .
I love every Deadmau5 song that has lyrics, but I hate most of the songs he makes by himself.
Se7en was pretty good. Got off to a slow start imo, but redeemed itself at the end.
YouTube - South Central - Demons (Novel Yom Remix)‏
What's in the box? A ****, you say?
Anyone here seen Se7en? If so, is it any good? I'm thinking about watching it tonight.
It's practically a religion. In fact, I think I'm gonna go get a burger right now. I'm starving.
That's the one I go to! It's like 10 minutes from my house.
Twisted Root is soooo good. I found a Kincaid's close to my house the other day, I'll try to go there sometime.
Wings of Icarus is banned. Hours later, Hari returns. Coincidence? Yep.
Hangover Part II Midnight premiere. Good movie? Sure. As good as the first? Not even close.
Another one of my favorites is And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. It's a murder mystery novel that plays off the 10 Little Indians...
I think I read that too. Was the title of the book something like Boy Soldier or something along those lines? If so, that is one of my favorite...
Read both of them. Catcher in the Rye was, to be honest, **** in my opinion. Completely unlikable character placed in a relatively uninteresting...
Mass Effect 2, bro. Shame on you.
I cringed when they had a close up of his cigar. Major jaggies. Other than that the game is beautiful.
True, but I'm greedy and selfish so it makes me mad.
Why do the Daily Show and the Colbert Report take so many breaks? Seems like they have a week long break every month or so.