No, getting it on PS3 so that it came on one disc ins't a big deal at all. But you said you didn't see the point of even owning LA Noire if it...
It's obvious that everyone would prefer their games to be on one disc, but I'm saying it seems like an extremely small payoff in order to...
I feel for all you people asking for backwards compatibility, but at this point I'm doubting it. The compatibility with the original Xbox is...
Sorry to go slightly off topic, but this infuriates me. No problem with you personally, Dunkin, because I have seen many people with this same...
Heavily rumored. It's not confirmed yet, so keep that in mind.
Did anyone notice how much... worse Ghost Recon looked this year. In terms of graphics and gameplay, it looks to have taken a major step back...
I'm not saying it's ok for EA to do this, I'm just saying that, strategically, I don't think it will make a huge difference. Believe me, I've...
Really, the only thing you're missing out on is the LMG. The sniper suppressor is pretty unimportant, and a shotgun isn't very useful in the BF...
Birthday seems a little uninspired. I'd prefer not to get one for a girlfriend, as those can be a little fickle. Family members are out because my...
Hmm, I want a tattoo, but don't know what to get.
I know nothing about computer hardware. Explain.
Mavs win.
A slight misstep in the marketing, but I don't think it's anything major.
Not necessarily better, just different. It's possible they could change the game, but I doubt DICE would do anything to unbalance the multiplayer...
Anyone watch Death Note? I had it recommended by a friend, but I want a second opinion.
My sleep schedule is officially ****ed.
Put this in your URL and press enter. I played it, but didn't write it. Les Paul's 96th Birthday
2,000 posts? God, I'm amazing.
Just because Epic releases a demo of graphics possible on next generation consoles does not mean that is the peak. That was CG, and I'm convinced...
A graphical limit? First of all, games are not at their graphical limit, and I'd guess they aren't even close. Second, if CoD has met it's...