All bodily injuries can be healed by devouring a disembodied heart.
There. Are. No. Words. YouTube - BioShock Infinite: 15 Minutes of Gameplay Footage [HD]‏
Dead Space 2 multiplayer was fun for the first hour, and after that it's just repetitive and at times rage inducing.
You have to start out with none, we don't know you.
There's a difference between hating and displaying seniority.
I demand a re-ranking of the still active members, seeing as how probably 80% of the people on that list are gone.
You obviously haven't been going by Valve Time.
I have had it with these motherfuckin' noobs in this motherfuckin' thread.
I'm assuming nobody is voting for it here because we all know it isn't actually releasing until 2012.
Why did you have to say torrented. Why not just "watched"?
New PPCers... Can't take... much more...
I'm sorry, others may enjoy it and more power to them, but Brink is terrible.
Mass Effect 3 is 2012.
11 hour bump?! Unheard of!
God dammit, I missed out on all the dome talk a few pages back! If anyone needs me, I'll be in the angry dome.
People are making this a bigger deal than it needs to be. We're all succumbing to Activision's advertising by even discussing this point. the...
It's gonna be between Skyrim and Uncharted. Portal 2 will be mentioned a lot, but I doubt it will win much. Rage and Arkham City will probably...
What exactly is the point of the bear?
I think we can all agree that root beer is just inherently disgusting. Also, just got back from NYC.
It would have been enough to have just said we were off topic, but it's pretty childish to say the discussion, not argument, was meaningless...