I like the tune of this new one a lot more, but the lyrics of the original were better.
The gel tests were some of my favorite ones. Really awesome mechanics used in interesting ways. [spoiler] Don't know exactly when I'll do it,...
Can you say ramp?
Funny you mentioned that, because I didn't buy Bulletstorm, and now I wish I had.
I buy games like Portal 2 for sentimental value and so I can look myself in the face without disgust. Honestly, if I bought black ops and didn't...
Honestly, **** multiplayer. A great single player game is easily worth more than 90% of games with multiplayer, imo.
It means that once I realized it was you I knew it said something along the lines of Froggit.
I actually thought you meant fascist at first, for some reason. Then I realized Camo posted it and face palmed.
I've played many battlefield games as well, so I know DICE's track record. That doesn't mean I can't hope they create something unique and...
I know you aren't implying that Call of Duty has a good story. Who the hell cares how big a hit something is? CoD sells a lot, but it's not a...
And the load times are usually pretty short, at least on the single player side. Haven't tried co-op yet.
First of all, you've twisted my words. I never said this earthquake would result in terrorist organizations rising up all over the world and...
I have no idea if that's the basis of the story, just a guess. I'd much prefer that than the political mumbo jumbo Medal of Honor failed at...
In any case, Portal 2 comes out tomorrow and it's gonna be ****ing sweeeeeeet!
I really dislike the whole preorder bonus where different retailers get different bonuses. It's just extra content that the majority of people...
Is the story supposed to revolve around that earthquake in the demo? Is it a story where a massive earthquake has put the US military in disarray...
That 12 minute trailer really has me pumped. I love the atmosphere and the gunplay looks really intense. If DICE can just nail the story and not...