What kisses? :S
Lool Sweet hahaha ;D
Wow they have a website :P MY cousin isn't on it :P haha gutted (: I recognise everyone in that picture ;D How cool am i ? (:
HLN Architects (:
How was your work experience? xD
Lool okays then (:
Assignment? >.<
Work Experience (:
Omg omg omg I is so going to work tomorrow (H) (H) ;D
On your iTouch still aye? :/ Thats a bummer .. You're getting a mac soon? D : Epiccccccccccccccccccccc
LOL its so soft ;D
Damn .. You don't know the fun you're missing without sheep ;D
Lool Get wasted? ;D
You can has laptop? D :
Wow you're so cool, taking a laptop to a party :P haha May i listen to his "mix" of yours? :P
Not too bbadd (: How about yous? ;D
Lol n'aww ;D Your cousin is giving you lessons? :P
Haha thanks :p I did use to use it abit but i preferred the more basic GIMP :P Im quite the noob you see haha (:
Eminem? D : Anddd 39 mins ago i was on my bus not exactly in school ;D so BLAH (: What's the album like? ****! right? ):