Dude you going to Olii's tomorrow straight from school fo sho (Forsure)?
What?!? I made this ¬.¬ Where is this other sig? ;D
The streets suck mofooooooo ;d
I haven't made a new sig for awhile, especially for me. So i decided to use one of the latest renders on "planetrenders" Andd i saw the Joker and...
Dudee can i borrow your RockBand bass pedal pleaseeeeeeeeeeee! I know it sounds .. very .. Smurfy like but i got a headphone splitter today and i...
Lolololl ;D
Of course you can (: I don't get you ? :S I like the third one the best (:
Been alright ;D haaa I have lots of homework but i really cant be assed to do any of it ):
Hey Man! Hows it going? (:
Xbox with Dan Bibby and I? Haloooooooooooooo xD Bibbo says you can't forge for ****.
Oh by the cousin thing i meant he went on my xbox and tried it on my account .. :P Sorry for the confusion (: But like it worked.. then stopped...
I started Fable 2 again on my new silver account and did not get all that far. However I saved it and went off and when I came to reload it the...
You okays? ;D
Heyyyyyyyyyy Man (:
Nopeee (: One week ;D I'm good ;D
I r so cool .. I r messaging you from work (: haha LAST DAY ;D How are you? x]
Hey hey hey (: I r in work :P So i thought i'd say hey on my lunch break on the good old forgehub ;D You alrights? xD
Oh yeah ;D haha just remembered (: