Ima need a towel ): from when i cumed a dy ago >.<
Too late >.<
*Jizz* *Jizz* *Jizz* *Jizz* *Jizz* *Jizz* *Jizz* *Jizz* *Jizz* *Jizz* *Jizz* *Jizz* *Jizz* *Jizz* *Jizz* *Jizz* *Jizz* *Jizz* *Jizz* *Jizz* *Jizz*...
They have new album! xD
Slightly (: You knowww Killswitch engage?
Sam's face is like a Louis >.<
Okays (: haha Thanks >.<
Dudeeeeeeeeee Bass pedal? (: And i r better incase you're worrying :) .. okay no haha
Talk to to corporate (like a boss) Approve memos (like a boss) Lead a workshop (like a boss) Remember birthdays (like a boss) Direct workflow...
thought so :) haa
Where is the twitter ;D
Ble mae'r Twitter, Facebook and features? :(
ohhh cool cool ;D
Is XboxLive being updated or whatever today? :S
Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party...
LOL it feels good ;D ahaaa I'm alrights ;D How about you Sammy boiiiiiiiiiiiiii ;D? tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh...
Ohh go on MSN .. I'll be on Dan's iTouch ;)
Wut?!? you need to memorise symbol equations ? D= Thought they give them to you and you just balance then!?!??! D= ****.****.****. If its similar...
Well .. I decided to do my R.E coursework before which i think was a good idea tbh .. Boreddd now too but like .. im not learning so i just give...
Over nightttt Revising?