We haven't spoken since Cannon posted quite a homosexual (if i may say so myself) thread! WUDDUP ? :)
Pahaha i was thinking you couldn't be serious. I didn't expect a girl to say that :') I could do that ^_^ I have another month yet thoughs (:
Really? >.< That's not really nice :/ ;D
Loooooool, it's poopy when you're single (N)
Sam ):
Dudee! Congratz on being loyal :)
Bur it's nothing compared to Christmas :( And now new years is over! ): ;D
Pahaha yeahhh! :') Then Christmas finishes :/ Depressing ... :/ ;D
Mine was goooooood (: I love Christmas :) So happy and relaxing :)
Pahaha (: Nice Christmass? (:
Merry christmas! =d
Fair enoughs :') You all ready for christmas? ;D
Oh yea? >.< And it costs a lot (Y) ;D So, cars fail basically :)
I don't drive soo yeah ;D I'm not that old man ;D paha! And i use public transportation to get to school (:
I haven't got one and never have had one ;D Concentrating on my education init mate (H) (:
Paaha, fair enoughs ;D
I haven't been on this in ages! :') Have you changed your name orr do i just don't remember who you are? >.< No offense .. IT'S BEEN AGES MAN! ;D
Hahaa xD What kind of jobs you looking for? >.<
Rofl not much just school work and whatnot. What about y'all? ;D
Ohai there >.<