For computing I'm making a program for a secondhand car retailer called Quick Cars. Basically (short and sweet) I need a cool logo to put on my...
Lmao, i love how spaced out our messages are :') I haven't been off Halo tbh. But **** forge these days. I just do matchamking ;D
Arrrr! Thank you! You can just quit and go onto Data Hive :D Thankyou!
I have all the 29 audio logs and im looking for the final one in Data Hive. According to a post on a youtube video, if you do it in solo you can...
Germany suck :D
Safe you non loyal bitachhhhhhh ;)
Hey hey! I haven't been on this for AGES but I recently made this: [IMG] And I can't decide whether it's good or not... Any feedback would be...
Lmao! I read this just over 3 months late too :')
Happy Birthday mate :D xxxxxxxx<3
Tut. You fail.
Well, i think they are :) I can't get enough of them :) They are heavier and he screams <3 ;D
Listen to them. They are AMAZINGG! 1000 times better than NSN! ;D
I dun get you? D;
NeverShoutNever's Chris Drew's Side project? ;D
Do you know EatMeWhileI'mHot! ?
I'll never forget you baby (: Omg, that's true! It's been like a year D; Thats nuts! How've you been?!? :O
OOO Well done sammy XD Lool nothing with me (Y) pahaha Snowwwwwwwwwwwwww! ;D
Loool orly? :)